Creating ROIs


NOTE: this page is obsolete and I have left it only for backward compatibility. These features are now included in the new .ptv and .ptvref file formats. Those formats offer a number of advantages over the solution described in this page.

I have written a small program to create the images for dynamic ROIs loading with PTViewer.

Download CreateROIs V1.0

Simply extract the contained files to a folder and run CreateROIs.exe.

This program works only on Windows computers. It is written in Visual Basic 6 so it needs the Visual Basic Runtime, which is almost certainly already installed on your computer. Just try and run the program, if it does not work you will need to download the runtime from here.

IMPORTANT: In order to run the program you need to install the GraphicsMagick package ( Since it is not simple to find the download link from their site you can also download it from this site.
The file launches a standard Windows installer: be sure to select the following checkbox: "Install ImageMagickObject OLE Control..." since it is needed by the program.


The program shows the following window:

JPEG quality will set the amount of compression. 100 is the highest value: it creates the largest images with the highest quality. Lower values create smaller images with lower quality.

"Number of ROIs" will set the number of ROIs created by the program.

You can set the width and the quality of the greyscale preview.

To choose the input files select a drive in the upper combo box: below you will see the folders of the selected drive. Navigate to the desired folder (double-click to open a folder): in the right part of the window you will see the contained image files. Select one or more files (ctrl-click and shift-click work) to convert.

Select the output folder in the lower left part of the window.

The program can also create the needed parameters for the <applet> tag. Select "Create <applet> tags" and the program will create a text file for each converted image. "Indent" contains the number of spaces to write before each row. If you select "Copy to the clipboard" the program will not create text files but it will copy all the text to the clipboard. You can paste it in the notepad or some other program and use it.

For each selected image the program will create many files. For example, if the image source name is "Test.tif" the program creates the following files:

Click the "Go" button to start conversion.

Fulvio Senore (